Riding Experience Level


Never on a horse or just for a fun ride at the beach at holidays.

10-30 hours in the saddle

You have sucessfully completed your first riding lessons and you can trot and canter with a calm horse.

30-50 hours in the saddle
or one year of intense riding

You can confidently ride every pace and know your way and terrain when you go hacking. You can do small jumps and did some dayrides? Then you are ready to go on your first trail ride.

Strong Intermediate
3-5 year of riding and at the time active riding

You are very confident in your riding skills and you can ride in difficult terrain. Long hours in the saddle are no problem for you and you know how to relieve your horse. You can ride every horse no matter what breed, stallion, mare or gelding.

from 5 years of riding

You can ride every horse. You can ride long and difficult distances in every terrain and in every pace. You enjoy a challenging ride.